Edgewall Software

Version 1050 (modified by Thijs Triemstra, 12 years ago) ( diff )

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Who Uses Trac?

This is a list of companies, organizations, projects, and individuals using Trac in some fashion.
If you use Trac, don't be hesitant to add yourself to the list, but please observe the guidelines detailed at the end of this page.

You can also create a case study for others to learn.

Google-Link to find Trac-Instances: Search Google.

Open Source projects using Trac


https://developer.pidgin.im/static/images/pidgin_logo.jpg Pidgin is a graphical IM program that lets you sign on to AIM, Jabber, MSN, Yahoo!, and other IM networks. It runs on Microsoft Windows and Unixes. It is written in C and uses GLib and GTK+

Pidgin uses Trac 1.0 ;-)

Project Description Trac Version Reviewed

The home of the Trac project (you're here).

Besides Trac itself, several other projects are also hosted here as different Trac instances running development versions (trunk (0.13dev) for trac.edgewall.org, 0.12-stable for [Babel:], 0.11-stable for Genshi).

various 2011-01-20
Trac-Hacks.org A site with lots of plugins and additions for Trac. 0.10.6dev 2011-01-04
Adium Adium is a multiprotocol im client for OS X. We use Trac to support our community. 0.12 2011-01-04
APRS4R APRS4R is a free APRS digipeater or gateway software for embedded devices written in Ruby. 0.11.72011-02-07
aubio aubio is a tool designed for the extraction of annotations from audio signals. 0.11.12011-01-31
asterisk-soap Asterisk Soap API to provide simpler access to core features. 0.11 2011-01-29
asterisk-web Web frontend to the asterisk-soap project. 0.11 2011-01-29
BeWelcome BeWelcome is a non profit and open source based travel/hospitality network. We use Trac as project management platform to assist development of our volunteer driven project. 0.12 2011-01-04
Boost Boost is a collection of free, peer-reviewed C++ libraries. 0.12 2011-01-04
BrDesktop Using it for managing our Custom Debian Distribution. 0.11.x 2011-01-28
BuildBot The BuildBot is a system to automate the compile/test cycle required by most software projects to validate code changes. 0.12.1 2011-01-04
Cafu Engine The Cafu Engine is an open-source game and graphics engine for multiplayer, cross-platform, real-time 3D games and graphics. 0.11.7 2011-05-10
Chaostreff Dortmund A German community doing - not only - computer related stuff. Trac is used as their central information platform, and they do some Trac related software development too. 0.12.2dev2011-01-09
Chaste Cancer, Heart and Soft Tissue Environment, an open-source project for computational biology, headed by the University of Oxford 0.11.4 2012-08-05
CKeditor CKEditor is one of the most popular browser-based WYSIWYG editors in the world. 0.11.x (?) 2012-09-25
Copix - PHP Framework We use Trac since the 3rd version of Copix. This was a revolution for us, Trac is a fantastic tool to know exactly what you have to do on your project, and when. 0.12 2011-02-04
DeepRoot Linux We develop the deepOfix Mail Server and the EasyPush Server Manager (our server management system) to simplify day-to-day server administration and monitoring tasks. Trac is used for milestone and ticket tracking and as documentation wiki. 0.11.62011-01-11
Django Django is a high-level Python Web framework that encourages rapid development and clean, pragmatic design. We use !Trac to manage our tickets and source code. 1.02012-11-18
Dojo Toolkit The Dojo Toolkit is an open-source JavaScript toolkit for building great web applications. 0.12.22012-06-02
Dookin Dookin is a Document Management System service project, based in free software (in spanish by now) 0.122012-05-06
DotClear Dotclear is an open-source web publishing software. Using Trac since 0.6, it rocks ! 0.11.?2011-01-28
DownThemAll A powerful yet easy-to-use Mozilla Firefox extension that adds new advanced download capabilities to your browser. 0.11.72011-07-24
dsource.org dsource.org uses Trac for managing our hosted projects' content, tickets, code browsing, etc. In general, the site hosts open source projects for the D Programming Language. For those who are wondering about D, see the Digital Mars website. 0.10.5dev 2011-01-04
edumips.org EduMIPS64, a free visual MIPS64 CPU simulator, uses Trac as the hosting platform for its website, that allows users to find info about the simulator and to browse the SVN repository. 0.11 2011-06-06
ePDFView ePDFView is a free lightweight PDF document viewer using Poppler and GTK+ libraries. The site has a full Trac deployment including wiki documentation, ticket system and the repository browser. 0.11.62011-08-22
EVEMon We develop an opensource Character Management Tool for the popular space based MMORPG EVE-Online. We use all aspects of TRAC to manage our development work. 0.13dev2011-01-11
FFmpeg FFmpeg is a complete, cross-platform solution to record, convert and stream audio and video. 0.12.22012-11-18
FlexGet FlexGet is a multipurpose automation tool written in Python for retrieving content from different kinds of sources like RSS-feeds, html pages, csv files, search engines and there are even plugins for sites that do not provide any kind of useful feeds. Trac is used to provide (wiki) documentation, issue tracking and browser access to the developer repository. 0.12.3rc12012-06-02
Forge.n7mm We use Trac for our internal projects, and recently we have started to offer a free hosting service of Trac projects. We are just hobbyist, but we do the maximum to offer the best service possible. 2011-01-16
Fedora hosted projects Fedora Hosted is a Fedora Project-sponsored way for developers to host their code and collaborate online. We provide each of the 600+ projects with source control via git, Mercurial, bzr, and others, as well as a bug tracker and wiki via Trac. 0.10.52011-02-01
FreeNAS FreeNAS is an embedded open source NAS (Network-Attached Storage) distribution based on FreeBSD, supporting an impressive number of data transfer protocols. 0.12.22012-06-02
freesmartphone.org freesmartphone.org is a modern service-based middleware platform for Linux-based embedded systems. FSO is completely free software and i.e. used in mobile devices like the Openmoko™ Neo FreeRunner phone. Trac is dedicated to development project coordination and issue tracking here. 0.11.12011-01-11
freifunk.net Freifunk (German for Free Radio) is an initiative to support the development of tools for free mesh networks. Besides that the initiative supports communities developing know-how to set up their own networks. The freifunk community is part of a network of projects developing router OS, software tools for mesh networks and even open hardware. Part of the software development is a Trac instance for hosting project software as well as for tracking issues with the freifunk ImageBuilder instance. 0.11.72011-11-01
Gajim The project aims at ceating a full featured and easy to use Jabber/XMPP client. Gajim's project wiki, issue tracker and Mercurial repository browser are powered by Trac. 0.12.22012-06-02
GALgen Trac is used (together with Mylyn) for developing an open source cross-platform photo gallery management system written in Python. Features used: SVN integration, ticket system, roadmap, wiki. 0.11.3 2011-01-04
Gentoo overlays The Embedded Gentoo Overlay is a project that tries to port Gentoo to different embedded plattforms. This is the parent page, with currently one project, the Gentoo Openmoko overlay. 0.12.1
GoodRobot A project aimed to remotely control Robot, via a web page, Twitter, Pachube and other means. 0.11.? 2011-01-04
GNUKhata A free and open source accounting and inventory software.It is a web application which facilitates book keeping aimed at replacing Tally and its limitations. 0.12 2011-05-23
GRASS GRASS is a free Geographic Information System (GIS) software used for geospatial data management and analysis, image processing, graphics/maps production, spatial modeling, and visualization. This official project of the Open Source Geospatial Foundation uses Trac wiki and ticket system for it's development as well as the Trac browser for viewing the SVN repository. 0.11.72012-06-02
GridCalendar GridCalendar is a Python-based Free Software application making it easy to keep in trac with events of your interest. http://grical.org, the reference implementation of GridCalendar, is a community website where the public and private groups can share information about events. It has a strong focus on scientific and FOSS-related events, using Free Data and Free Formats. 0.11.7 2011-06-29
Haiku We use a customized Trac version for task and bug tracking as a replacement for the ugly and complicated BugZilla system. Our primary customizations are support for hierarchical components and UI simplifications for end-users (they only see what they need). 0.11.7 2011-01-04
HandBrake HandBrake is a GPL-licensed, multiplatform, multithreaded video transcoder. 0.12.12011-01-31
ICU The International Components for Unicode open source project at http://icu-project.org has migrated from Jitterbug and CVS to Trac and SVN. 0.12.4 2012-08-24
Jelix PHP5 framework We use Trac to help us to manage bugs, roadmap, write documentation for jelix contributor etc. 0.11.12011-01-29
JOSM JOSM is an Java editor for OpenStreetMap. Trac is used for bug tracking, wiki and online help. A lot of site specific plugins are used to provide editor specific services. 1.0 2012-09-25
jQuery jQuery uses a lightly modified version of Trac. 0.12 2011-01-04
Jupe Jupe is a UML Plugin for Eclipse. It provides support for the creation of UML class diagrams, Java code generation and reverse engineering. Jupe is based on the GEF and UML2 frameworks and supports Eclipse 3.2. 0.11.52011-01-29
Kdesvn Using Trac for maintaining the kdesvn project (sourcecode, documentation etc.). 0.12 2012-09-25
KForge KForge is an open-source (GPL) system for managing software and knowledge projects. It re-uses existing best-of-breed tools such as a versioned storage (subversion), a tracker (Trac), and wiki (Trac or moinmoin), integrating them with the system’s own facilities (projects, users, permissions etc). KForge also provides a complete web interface for project administration as well a fully-developed plugin system so that new services and features can be easily added. 0.12.2 2011-07-24
Kofoto The Kofoto (an image organizer/viewer program) project uses a Trac installation as its project site. 0.11.1 2011-01-30
Lazy Search Lazy Search is a plugin for the open source SlimServer music server. Trac is used to allow the management of documentation, downloads, enhancement requests and problem reports from within the user community and it works very well. 0.12.12011-01-29
LCD4Linux A Liquid Crystal Display management utility that grabs information from the kernel and some subsystems and displays it on the LCD. 0.122011-01-30
Linux Counter Project The successor to the former counter.li.org revives that project with a new web design, and Trac serves wiki docs and tracking of website bugs. 0.12.22011-12-28
Linbox FAS Support web site for the Linbox Rescue Server gpl edition - a complete software hardware asset management software (imaging, file backup, inventory, remote control, soon automatic software installation). We use Trac internally on numerous projects. After internal tests of different solutions, Trac was chosen due to its easiness (setup, customization, maintenance). 0.11.?2011-01-28
liveusb-creator The liveusb-creator is a cross-platform tool for easily installing live operating systems on to USB flash drives. 0.10.52011-01-28
Logtalk We use Trac for our developers web site. 0.12.12011-01-29
MacPorts The MacPorts Project is an initiative to design an easy-to-use system for compiling, installing, and upgrading open-source software on the Mac OS X operating system. 0.11.? 2011-01-04
MadWifi We recently switched away from sf.net+CVS to Trac+SVN and LOVE it. The project uses nearly all aspects of Trac to support both the community and our developers. Thanks for this great tool! 0.10 custom 2011-01-10
MAngband MAngband is a free online multiplayer real-time roguelike game, derived from the single player game Angband. We use TRAC at the MAngband Developer Portal with Subversion (on Debian) for it's great svn integration, project management, bug tracking and wiki. 0.11.72011-01-29
MetaBBS Project Web standards-compliant, small core BBS written in PHP. 0.12.3 2012-09-25
Midgard Midgard is an Open Source Content Management Framework. Trac is used for project coordination, issue tracking and enables web access to the repository containing code in multiple programming languages. 0.10.4 2011-01-04
Neo-Layout.org (ergonomically optimized keyboard layout for the German language) We use Trac as end-user front-end and ticket-reporting system. 0.11.7 2011-01-16
NHunspell The Open Office Hyphenation and Spell Checker for the .NET Framework is free and open source. Trac is used for issue tracking and project management. 2011-01-04
NixDev.Net OpenSource solutions for life. Use Trac to support many development project. 0.11.52011-01-09
numpy The standard multidimensional numeric package for Python. 0.11.32011-01-04
OpenGuides A free software project developing a wiki engine for building city guides. We love Trac - productivity is skyrocketing. Thanks! 0.11.12011-01-28
OLPC The One Laptop Per Child uses Trac to manage bug tracking and source code. 0.112012-06-02
Openmailadmin Openmailadmin is a little administration interface to every complete IMAP mailserver daemon. Trac is used for coordinating the community of this frontend. 0.11.52011-01-28
Openmoko™ Openmoko™ is a project dedicated to delivering mobile phones with an open source software stack. It is selling the Neo FreeRunner phone. Trac wiki and bug tracker is used for documentation and development. Side-by-side there is a second Trac system dedicated to administation and infrastructure.
OpenSAF OpenSAF is an open source project established to develop a base platform middleware consistent with Service Availability™ Forum ( SA Forum™) specifications, under the LGPLv2.1 license. 0.11.72012-10-28
Open Source Initiative The Open Source Initiative (OSI) is a California public benefit corporation, with 501©3 tax-exempt status, founded in 1998. The OSI Board members are the stewards of the Open Source Definition (OSD) and the community-recognized body for reviewing and approving licenses as OSD-conformant. Trac is used as the Open Source Initiative's issue tracker and wiki to complement the official opensource.org website and as a way for the community to share information, submit ideas, and escalate issues for consideration by the OSI Board. Issues raised on the mailing lists are turned into tickets that are managed by a team of volunteer Trackers, just as the wiki content is managed by the OSI Editors. 0.11.6 2011-01-05
OpenStreetMap.org OpenStreetMap creates and provides free geographic data such as street maps to anyone who wants them. Trac is used for bug tracking. 0.11.7 2011-01-04
phpBMS We use Trac to develop an open source php/mysql business management system. 0.11.?2011-01-31
PIDA A Python IDE. 0.11.7 2011-02-05
Pidgin Pidgin is a multiprotocol im client. The project also creates libpurple and Finch, a library that provides the core of Adium, and a text multiprotocol im client respectively. We use Trac for our developer wiki and ticketing system. 1.0 2012-09-24
Piwik Open source web analytics platform with real-time reports 0.11.5 2011-01-28
Plone Bug and feature tracker for the Plone Open Source Content Management System 0.11.7 2011-01-04
PowerDNS We use Trac for all our bug reports and wiki needs at the PowerDNS Community Page. 0.11.52011-01-28
Propel Propel is an open-source Object-Relational Mapping (ORM) for PHP5. It allows you to access your database using a set of objects, providing a simple API for storing and retrieving data. 0.12.? 2011-03-02
Pulse Audio A sound server for posix and win32 systems 0.11.1 2011-01-04
PunBB Trac is used as a bug tracker and frontend for SubVersion for !PunBB, a fast and light-weight PHP-powered discussion board. 0.11 2011-01-30
QCubed PHP5 Framework We use Trac as our community project management portal. It serves as a wiki for content, as a file repository for our plugins, as a frontend for our SVN and more. 0.11.1 2011-01-16
Qubes OS Qubes is an open source operating system designed to provide strong security for desktop computing. 1.0 2012-11-17
Qutecom Wengo is a VoIP provider from France and initial developer of this GPL-licensed multi-platform softphone. 0.11.? 2011-02-05
RPM The RPM Package Manager is a powerful command line driven package management system capable of installing, uninstalling, verifying, querying, and updating computer software packages. RPM is a core component of many Linux distributions, and the RPM format is part of the Linux Standard Base. 0.10.52011-02-01
SableCC We use Trac along with TracMercurial to host the development of SableCC 4. We also use GNU Mailman to host a special registration mailing-list which allows us to provide automated account creation with email verification. Trac is terrific! 2011-02-05
scipy Python tools for science, mathematics, and engineering 0.11.3 2011-01-04
Software Carpentry The basics of software development, aimed at scientists and engineers. 0.10.2 2011-02-04
SourceForge.net SourceForge.net is an open source software development web site. Uses multiple instances of Trac. 2011-01-04
Sugar Labs The Sugar learning platform uses Trac for bug tracking. 0.11.7 2011-01-04
svndigest We use subversion and Trac to maintain the development of svndigest: a tool for calculating statistics on a subversion repository. It works great. Thanks guys! 0.12.1 2011-02-05
Symfony Symfony is a web application framework written in PHP which follows the model-view-controller (MVC) paradigm. The symfony community wiki is hosted with Trac as well as tutorials and other documentation, a source browser and bug reports from the Trac ticket system. 0.10.42011-08-10
Tahoe-LAFS Tahoe-LAFS is an open source distributed, encrypted, filesystem. We use Trac with darcs to manage the Tahoe project itself, and operate Trac instances for numerous smaller projects, both our own and other people's projects. 0.12.1dev 2011-01-05
Tango Open Source project using D programming language, heavily modified theme. 0.10.5 2011-02-05
The Open Planning Project TOPP is a nonprofit that creates open-source virtual tools to affect real-world change through local activism and geospatial data. Trac is becoming an increasingly important part of our workflow, and is being used for our upcoming developers' center. With Trac we do host a number of different projects. 0.11.72011-01-29
TiddlyWiki TiddlyWiki is a reusable non-linear personal web notebook that's used by many thousands of people to organise and share information. 0.11.5 2011-01-04
TIG : Test Image Generator TIG is a small program that creates high quality test images for monitors and V sets in arbitrary resolutions. 0.122011-01-30
Transifex The Open translation platform - We use Trac to manage the development of the project (tickets, roadmap) and as our wiki. 0.11.62011-01-11
TRex We use Trac for our TRex project website. TRex is a refactoring and metrics tool for TTCN-3. 0.12 2012-09-25
Twisted An event-driven networking engine written in Python. 0.11.6 2011-01-04
WebLion WebLion is a collection of plugins that help fit Zope and Plone into Penn State's IT environment in particular and higher-ed situations in general. 0.11.1 2012-09-25
Wifidog We use Trac to manage the development of our premier Open Source captive portal solution, Wifidog. 0.11.7 2012-09-25
WikkaWiki Trac powers our SVN repository and issue tracker 0.11.5 2011-01-04
WLAN Ljubljana Open wireless network. We use Trac for our main home page and development. 0.11.? 2012-10-26
Wordpress The Wordpress publishing platform uses Trac for ticket management and as a source browser 0.12.1 2011-01-16
Wordpress Plugin Repository A rich environment for developers to create and share their work on WordPress-related plugin development. 0.12.12011-01-28
XJConf and EventDispatcher I'm using Trac for my open-source Java projects. XJConf allows you to map any XML document to a structure of Java objects by defining rules for the mapping using an XML application. Event Dispatcher helps you creating event-centered applications in Java. 0.11.12011-01-30
XmlAutoIndex We use Trac to host and manage the xmlautoindex project 0.9.6 2011-01-29
Zwe Zwe is a website engine (Maxime Petazzoni) 0.12 2011-01-30

Education and Governments using Trac

Institution or Authority Description Trac Version Reviewed
ACM@UIUC We use Trac for development of many award-winning projects at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign student chapter of the Association for Computing Machinery. ACM@UIUC maintains a non-exhaustive list of current and past projects (most of them) using a Trac system. 0.10.5dev 2011-02-05
ANUGA We use Trac here at the Australian National University, Canberra. 2011-01-29
Bergische Universität Wuppertal The CINSim project is a simulator for Linux, designed to simulate and evaluate various types of network architectures based on atomic components such as switches and buffers. The first versions of CINSim have been developed at the Technische Universität Berlin. Since early 2009, its further development has been moved here, where the software is also hosted now. We use Trac to manage the whole development process. Great software! 0.122011-02-06
Clayesmore School Dorset Using the ticket system to manage our IT support department job list, and the combined wiki for user-guides to the network. Best software for the job I've ever used! 0.10.42011-02-06
Fachhochschule Kärnten - Medical Information Technology Example link SCALA Project — We are using Trac and Subversion for the management of our student projects and also for project handling with our industrial partners. 1.0rc1 2011-02-04
Liberty Science Center We use Trac for our institutional wiki and all trouble tickets. 0.12 2012-11-11
Marquette University Student Media Student Media Interactive manages web services for all of Marquette Student Media and Trac is an excellent tool to keep our developers and Student Media Department managers in sync. 0.11 2011-07-01
NASA Langley Research Center We use Trac internally to provide lightweight project management coupled with SVN for our FUN3D (fun3d.larc.nasa.gov), LAURA, and HARA physics-based simulation codes. 2011-02-06
National Taiwan University (NTU), Taipei and National United University (NUU), Lienda There is a Trac installation hosted by NTU Physics department on behalf of the High Energy Group of NTU and NUU, that holds several projects with a main wiki at http://dayabay.phys.ntu.edu.tw/tracs/env . 0.11 2011-06-12
Ntrip OpenSource The project hosts bug tracker, wiki and SVN for the Ntrip related software development of the Federal Agency for Cartography and Geodesy in Germany. 1.0 2012-09-25
Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute RPI in Troy/NY/USA has several Trac applications running, i.e. for Tetherless World Constellation research focusing on the World Wide Web and it's future use and some projects at The Computer Science Department. 0.11.3
Sandia National Laboratories Hosting several projects, including Acro and DAKOTA (software for optimization and uncertainty quantification), Coopr (packages supporting optimization within Python), Kitten (a lightweight kernel (LWK) operating system for supercomputers), and the TicketModerator plugin for Trac. 0.11.7.snl3 2011-02-11
University Nice-Sophia Antipolis, France We use Trac to host our Boxtream free, autonomous, and versatile audio and video streaming solution, as well as some other non-publicly accessible software. 0.10.42011-01-29
University of Oxford Phoebe, a web application designed to provide inspiration and practical support for learning design, has been developed by a team from the Technology-Assisted Lifelong Learning unit (TALL) at Oxford University and Oxford University Computing Services (OUCS) with funding from the JISC Design for Learning programme. It is a Trac application, like seen in wiki docs and even has a separate site documenting the project itself. 0.11.72011-07-30
Zurich University of the Arts We manage several free and non-free software projects with our Trac server, and we like keeping end user information pages and documentation available through the Trac built-in wikis too. 0.11.12011-01-29

Companies using Trac

Project or Company Description Trac Version Reviewed
Advanced Network Devices (our devices are marked with the logos IPSpeaker.com and IPClock.com) Trac is used extensively in our product development and customer support workflows. 0.12 2011-11-02
agile42 We use Trac to develop all our projects, we implemented Agilo for Scrum which is an "agile" extension of Trac, specialized in supporting the Scrum process. Agilo extends Trac in many parts to support the Backlog concept, the Sprint as a part of a Release (Milestone) and introduces also the concepts of Team and Team Members. Agilo adds a real Ticket Type System completely configurable and Linking between tickets, the semantics of the links and the rules are also completely configurable. 2011-01-05
Agitronic AB We are a software company developing mobile applications; we use trac for our inhouse projects, our homepage, internal wiki and company administration. 0.12 2012-01-16
Arenalogic Multiplayer Combat flight simulator game. We at arenalogic.com use Trac for wiki and project management on some of our projects. 2011-02-04
assembla.com They offer hosted Trac workspaces as well as alternate packages that include their own ticketing, code browser, and wiki tools. 0.112011-01-06
Bearstech (hosting provider) We use Trac to manage all our client projects, from application development to production. We've been using it for more than 2 years, have 50 heavy instances, and happily migrated to 0.11 recently. 0.11.12011-01-29
BitNami Provider of application stacks - integrated software bundles that include a web application and all of its required components in a native installer. Available for Windows, Linux and Mac OS X they endorse the use of open source web applications. bitnami.org/stack/trac delivers Trac including SQLite, Subversion 1.7.1, Pygments 1.4, and Apache 2.2.21 . There are pre-configured virtual machine images based on a minimal Linux installation and a BitNami Stack, available for VMWare and the latest version of VirtualBox as well as BitNami Cloud Images for Amazon EC2, with planned support for additional 0.12.32012-02-08
bjoern hahnefeld IT Trac is used for documentation, as knowledge-base with snippets and issue tracking and project management. 2011-01-06
bo-tech We are a german it full-service company and use Trac since many years for most of our development projects. Since some months we are also using the Mercurial integration. We love Trac! 2011-01-29
Boreste - Embedded Systems We combine Trac and MPS.BR (Brazilian Software Process Model) to develop embedded systems. See more details in our use case report. 0.122011-01-07
codesion.com Free, simple hosted Trac and Subversion. It's no bullshit project hosting ;) 0.11.42011-01-31
Computer Science and Education Group Learning We use Trac and associated visualisations to support group work both in Computer Science programming projects and Education elearning. 0.10.4 2011-01-30
Conseil Internet & Logiciels Libres, France We use Trac to host the development website of our PyKota, Tea4CUPS, pkpgcounter, pkipplib and PyKotIcon print accounting and printing-related software. 0.11rc12011-01-29
Coveros At www.coveros.com this company offers SecureCI™, an open-source continuous integration solution that combines "best of class open source products for source code control, build management, automated testing, security analysis, defect tracking, and project management", where Trac is responsible for project management. 0.11.52011-10-28
Digital Design Corporation We have many projects using Trac (over 150 Trac instances, though not all currently active), which range in scope from FPGA and PCB design to software and web development. Trac is an integral part of our quality process. We use a customized ticket workflow, ticket validation (plugin) and actually quite a few other plugins. 0.12 2011-11-02
dm-p.de For tracking issues and software development we use Trac and Bugzilla - two amazing kinds of software we only can recommend. 2011-02-04
Dogon Guide We are using subversion and Trac, have been using it i.e. for the creation of our website dogon-guide.com . 2011-02-01
DWT's Heavy Industries Homepage for me and my open source Projects, it's a testimony to how easy it is to bend Trac to what you want to do it. (Whitch means for me to include a Blog, complete with commenting facility etc.. 0.11.6 2011-03-08
Egosoft GmbH We'r using Trac in combination with VisualSVN internally to provide us with a simple overview of our daily code changes during development. 0.12.2 2011-11-16
EngageMedia We use Trac both for our Plone development and non-tech related project management aspects. 0.122011-01-11
ESE Software We are a software company which develops online systems for financial markets; online trader and backoffice systems. We use Trac for bug tracking and project management. 0.11.7 2011-01-16
Evenion Evenion is an online group travel agency. We use Trac for our booking engine as bug tracker, timeline and svn. 0.12.1 2011-01-04
Exa-Omicron We use Trac and Subversion for every software project we develop for customers. We've setup a multi-site Trac and give the customer access to his own project. 0.11.5 2011-02-07
Exite We use Trac and Subversion in the development of our Smarty based CMS. 0.12 2011-02-05
Exoweb Agile Software Development based on Open Technologies 0.11.1 2011-02-05
FlyMine.org The FlyMine project is building an integrated database of genomic, expression and protein data for Drosophila and Anopheles and making this available to the worldwide research community via web and bioinformatics interfaces. We use Trac internally and hope to make it a public resource in the near future. 0.10.52011-01-30
forium.de We use Trac offered by assembla.com to manage our new development of Car Catalogue 0.11 2011-02-01
GipatGroup.org We just use it! 0.10.32011-01-29
hosted-projects.com alias svn-hosting.com We offer Trac as part of our project hosting solutions and our custom plugin development service is also available for non-customers. 2011-01-28
Insideable.com We use Trac for game planning and tracking user's stories in projects related to Neko, a high-level dynamically typed programming language which can also be used as an embedded scripting language, i.e. at http://trac.stickr.com/yousticker/ (access restricted). 0.11.62011-02-02
Interlegis We are using Trac since 2005 to organize our developers and users communities. 0.11.4 2011-01-16
Ischus Limited We at ischus.com use Trac with Subversion internally and accessible on the internet by our clients at http://www.ischus.net via a login page. We use the wiki for recording important information about the project, the ticketing system to control the software writing and some clients access the SVN repository using Trac. We've made a small patch to Trac for complete isolation of our clients so that they cannot even see each others existence. 0.8.42011-02-11
JavaParty Java's Companion for Distributed Computing allows easy porting of multi-threaded Java programs to distributed environments such as clusters. The public area of the site exposes Trac tickets, wiki for documentation, and provides some Trac customizations and plugins like TracRedirect, maintained by Thomas Moschny, as well. 0.10.52011-07-25
Just Dial Pvt. Limited Just Dial is India's No.1 Local Search Engine. We use Trac for Change Management, Bug Tracking & Task Management 0.12 2011-03-02
konplan gmbh We're using Trac for managing software projects of several embedded linux driven medical devices. 2011-01-16
Mediaup Crossmedia We use Trac for the backend. With the open source version we try to improve our backend system like the knowledge base or our crm system. 2011-01-28
Neodata Group We use trac for all maintainace in our adserver platform [ad.agio]. 0.11.7 2012-04-18
Netrino.net We use Trac to make our development process more efficient and able to respond to client needs quickly. We love it. 2011-02-11
Neurowork.net For internal development and integration with subversion we use Trac in several projects. Actually we create a Trac for each internal customer to develop the projects and we have promoted Trac in several projects in the past with a lot of partners and we have used in projects with companies as Vodafone, Telefonica, Cenatic, etc. 2011-01-28
Nokia project hosting service The whole site is built with Trac + our own extensions for multiproject hostings (and a global user db, automatic project/SCM creation and so on). There are currently 500+ projects created there, each one of them an instance of Trac. 2011-01-13
Norfello Oy NorfelloCMMS OS is a powerful web-based CMMS application. It offers asset based functionality for managing work orders, reports, file attachments and asset information. 0.10 2011-07-24
PowerFolder Our project is using Trac as main bug, feature and task tracker as well as a roadmap for our end users and a wiki for our developers. 0.12.12011-01-06
Open Knowledge Foundation A UK based not-for-profit organisation dedicated to promoting open knowledge in all its forms. We use Trac in our KnowledgeForge service and the associated KForge software - as well as to manage many of our projects. 0.11.7 2011-07-24
Nainwak's World We use Trac for managment of our Free Internet Game 0.12.1 2011-01-20
Online Kredit Index We use Trac for kreditexperte.net's backend. With the open source version we try to improve our backend system like the knowlegebase or our CRM system. 2011-02-11
Open Planet Software We're a UK based Mac and iPhone software development company and Trac is installed internally on one of our development servers. It's hooked up to our Open Directory for authentication and to our SVN repository. We use the roadmap and ticketing system the most. We find Trac to be very simple, efficient and effective compared to what we were using before. 0.11.42011-01-06
OSHEAN, Inc. (communications provider) We use Trac to manage our Nautilus and Periscope projects. Nautilus is a security appliance developed by OSHEAN to provide OSHEAN members with powerful tools for monitoring their networks. Periscope is a rewrite of the popular free-software project IP-Audit in Common Lisp. 0.11.12011-01-29
PhysioSonics, Inc. We are a medical device manufacturing company developing a blood flow monitor for neurological applications. We use Trac and Subversion for configuration management and change control for the development of an FDA regulated device. We are currently using over 50 plug-ins and macros. Trac acts as a central source for documentation, project management, issue tracking, source control and build management. 0.12.3 2012-04-15
piAccess We use Trac both internally for software development & project management, and publically for customer technical support. 2011-01-29
PKG.fr French consultants specialized in OSS support, we use a french Trac translation (source availability in the site) to promote our OSS contribution, manage dedicated and secured client relation sites and our own public wiki. See http://source.pkg.fr too. 0.11.7 custom2011-01-29
PetaMem RCS for our own AI software development (mostly Perl) using Trac and Subversion 0.12.x2012-10-12
Promotux Informatica We use Trac for our software development Promogest. 0.11.52011-01-30
Qube Software We are using Trac to manage development for all our projects at qubesoft.com, including the Q Engine and Lego Digital Designer. We've even passed on this habit to some of our customers, including Earthsim (earthsim.tv) and Near (nearglobal.com). 2011-02-04
Qype We've used Trac since day one to build Qype sites across Europe! The SVN integration is great. 2011-01-11
Rectang.com We are using Trac to power an open source hosting solution. The whole Trac is used, with modified templates to provide the main menu. Also using ContinuTrac and TracDown in some projects. 0.11.72011-01-29
Reo Coordination Language (research project) We use Trac to manage the development of our Eclipse-based tools and as a wiki for our research project. 0.11.12011-01-29
Riomar, Henrik He uses a public Trac wiki for documenting own experiences with Debian, OpenBSD and Ubuntu and even for own software (simpleproxy). 0.11.12011-02-12
SamaSoft Co. Ltd. We use Trac & mercurial for internal CI and software development. 0.122011-07-19
Sanity, Inc We use Trac to enable Sane Software Development for all our projects, both open source (e.g. Airspeed - Velocity-compatible templating for Python, DotR - Ruby wrapper for the ‘dot’ graphing utility or MockR - easy Mock Objects for Ruby) and commercial (e.g. Sproglogs, our online baby log site). Where possible, we encourage our consulting clients to also use Trac. 0.11.72011-01-30
Sector 31 For our web development we started using Trac shortly after switching to Subversion and continue to use it at s31.cz for internal project documentation. 2011-02-06
SoftwareEntwicklung Beratung Schulung We offer Trac/Subversion/GForge Hosting opportunities. 2011-01-29
SolDevelo We are using Trac to manage our internal processes as well as our open source projects: DAC 0.11.? 2011-01-04
Sense.Lab e.V. At the moment we use Trac for two projects. On the one hand for improving the service we offer with our web platform and on the other hand we use it for the CryptoBox project, a Debian/Linux based live-CD that works as a secure file storage server. 0.11.12011-01-28
SIXNET We use Trac as a task management, project management, and bug tracking system for our software and firmware development0.11.62011-01-04
SpectSoft We are using Trac in a couple of ways. First for our programmers, who use it in conjunction with subversion and second for all documentation and website creation. We wrote a script that crawls through our documentation in the wiki and creates pages for our site. custom2011-02-06
spmpt.org They sell easily deploy-able Mac OS X packages of Subversion with web server, apache modules, python binding and SVN client, using Trac with MySQL database backend as bug tracker, repository browser and wiki. 0.12.22012-01-22
Strangecode Internet Consultancy Strangecode loves Trac! We use Trac for all own custom web applications. We also offer Trac and Subversion to all our web hosting customers — Strangecode + Trac = happy developers! 2011-01-09
64 Studio Ltd. Our PDK, the 64 Studio Platform Development Kit (PDK), is a Free Software tool that we use to automate the production and maintenance of several different projects. PDK is a kind of version control system for distributions, allowing us to create and manage many different custom products based on Debian and Ubuntu sources. It has been started after the closure of Progeny Linux. 0.11.72011-01-31
TechCollective A worker-owned tech support co-op. We use Trac to manage our repair queue. We also make use of the wiki as a collaboration tool and knowledge base. 2011-02-02
Test Maschinen Technik GmbH Trac is the project management system that drives all our software projects. We are developing eddy current systems for non destructive testing of diverse parts from heat exchanger tubes (eddyMax-tubeMax) to storage tank floors (SLOFEC). 2011-02-01
true global communications GmbH This company generously does free hosting of the server running trac-hacks.org and madwifi-project.org . They use Trac internally for several purposes too. 2011-01-11
TVfacts.de We use Trac for our developers as well as bug tracking and ticketing. 2011-01-25
Unixservice.com We provide DNS, Mail, HTTP, RADIUS, SQL and other mission critical cluster systems for ASPs, corporate WANs or ISPs. As well as custom C/C++ programming. We use Trac to manage all our projects, ISP maintenance and support, development like mysqlBind, etc. 0.11.32011-01-05
Voluna Software Limited / Xinit Systems Limited, UK We are a Linux-based server and storage vendor company (Xinit Systems). We are spinning off a new company called Voluna Software which uses Trac during development of its opensource storage management project called Openfiler which is available under the GNU GPL license. 0.9.62011-01-30
webfaction.com Offers web hosting with a selection of one-click application installers, including Trac with Git plugin. 0.122012-01-22
WebLOQ, Inc We have been using Trac+SVN for the past year and a half and love it. It was so easy to setup and is now vital to our development process. We track every detail of our environment on the Wiki. We also use the Trac bug system and reference all Trac checkin through SVN in our checkin mails. 2011-01-09
Wetzlmayr We use Trac as a SVN web interface for both our open-source Textpattern plugins and managing customer projects (in a non-public Trac at trac.wetzlmayr.at/) since more than 2 years now. 2011-02-01
Znergis We use Trac+SVN to manage all our software development projects and Trac was nimble enough to work with our adaptive Znergis Assurance Framework. 2011-02-04
Zuercher Technologies We use Trac and subversion internally to manage our development and provide everyone here at zuerchertech.com great visibility into our SVN repositories. 2011-02-06

To Editors

  • Please don't insert URLs other than links to public accessible Trac installations.
  • If your Trac sites are not publicly available, please only leave a description of how you use Trac.
    • As we can't verify them, please update such entries at least every 3 years or they will be deleted.
  • Keep description short.
  • Any entries not complying to this policy will be deleted, as there have been too many abuses.
  • If your entry has been removed by a developer, adding it again is a good way to get banned.
  • Keep that note at the bottom of the page and insert your entry above.

Thanks for using Trac!

Note: See TracWiki for help on using the wiki.