Edgewall Software

Version 10 (modified by daniel, 20 years ago) ( diff )

Frequently Asked Questions

Here you can find the answer to some of the most frequently asked questions about Trac. If you a question not answered by this page you can add your question by clicking on the "Edit this page" link at the bottom of this page.

1. Installing and Running Trac

1.1. What operating systems does Trac run on?

Trac will run on any system supported by Python and the depending modules. Today we are aware of people running Trac on various Linux distributions, Mac OS X, NetBSD and MS Windows.

See also: TracOnNetBsd, TracOnOsx

1.2. What are the dependencies of Trac?

Trac depends on the following software: Subversion w/Python bindings, Clearsilver, SQLite w/Python bindings

See also: TracInstall

1.3. When can we expect a Trac version compatible with Subversion 1.0? (More specifically, with the Python bindings of 1.0, because SVN 1.0 with the old bindings seems to work.)

I am using Trac with Subversion > 1.0 (compiled from source several days after 1.0 was released) without problems. If you are experiencing a specific problem, I would suggest that you open a new ticket. – MarkRowe

2. Wiki

2.1. What is a "Wiki"?

The term Wiki is a shortened form of WikiWikiWeb. A Wiki is a database of pages that can be collaboratively edited using a web browser.

See also: TracWiki

2.2. Did you copy the previous question from the MoinMoin FAQ?

Why yes, thanks for asking.

2.3. Could the Wiki perhaps get a RecentChanges page, showing the changed pages in anti-chronological order?

The timeline contains information about all the changes to Trac content. By deselecting the view ticket changes and view repository checkins boxes you can view only the Wiki changes.

Note: See TracWiki for help on using the wiki.